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Day 5

1 – Yay or Nay?: To facilitate opinion sharing for this day, the teacher has students use “happy” or “frowny” signs to indicate their positive or negative thoughts towards a few specific questions about the novel and their experience with it presented on a PowerPoint. The last question requires the students to write down something they would change about the class on a blank sheet to turn in. After the activity, the teacher should make sure to clear up any confusion and address any vocabulary words the students still consider challenging even after logging them.

2 – Our Story So Far: Through a PowerPoint presentation, students are taught about symbolism, shown a few context-free examples, and told about how ever-present it is in Daytripper. This mini-lecture on symbolism aids students for the upcoming discussion.

3 – The Theme of Life and Death: As this is a highly prevalent theme throughout the entirety of the story, students will be asked to divide into groups to note anything that is relevant to the idea of life and death. They will be sharing their finds with the rest of the class, during which the teacher will draw the students towards the fact that Brás dies at the end of every chapter and will continue to do so. Students are to write a short paragraph on whether they believe that is symbolic of the overarching message of the story regarding life and death. 

4 – Quiet Reading Time: Once discussion is over, students can take the rest of the class hour to read quietly to themselves.

Weekend Homework: Chapter 7-9 (p. 155- 248) of Daytripper. At the end of class, the teacher should remind students to make note of any new vocabulary in their logs, and anything of interest related to these chapters, and the theme of color.

Anticipated Problems and Possible Solutions: If students did not finish their paragraphs, they can turn them in after the weekend or wrap them up into quiet reading time. Teacher can stay after class to answer any questions regarding the class so far.  

Next Week: The students will focus on writing an in-depth paper about any one of the main themes discussed in class and how it ties into the story as a whole. They can also work on an alternative theme if they let the teacher know about their selection.


Overview of the Day:


Day 5 PPT Slides
Handout #6
Happy/Sad Signs
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